Monday, May 23, 2011

23rd May 2011

Y'day went to Mid Valley, they have this Pirates of the Caribbean theme deco.. Really nice loh.. Luckily i did go there for shopping.. ahahah.. i did take photo there, my favourite activity mah.. ahahahha..

They have this real big ship at the center court.. really "ging" loh.. i really love it so much.. luckily i doesn't wear like aunty, so the picture not bad lah..hahahahah..

Actually this few days i feel tired, i think it's because that day i drink coffee at Old Town when i meet up with samantha.. long time didnt meet up with her coz she's so bz with study and her training for KK mountain climbing expedition.. sound so adventure loh..ahahahah..

I really need to stop drinking those drink that contain caffeine lah.. last few days green tea at sushi king.. then coffee.. walau, nw i can't even open my eyes.. luckily today i can sleep till 8am coz i need to go to clinic to by syringe for pdt photo shooting tomorrow.. if now i think it's even worst.. ahahahha..

Now i feel better, during lunch just now im really so blur.. cant even think wat's im doing.. so tonight should be better ger lah.. im going to langkawi with all my ji mui this friday.. really long time didnt enjoy with my ji mui jor.. hope that we can have a great holiday together..

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

18th May 2011

Headache leah.. this few days was not feeling really well leah.. dont knw why? just now eat rendang beef now headache.. i think it's really got something to do with the chinese herbs that i eat.. i knw its good coz it's from the doctor but it's really too hot for me.. so i've stop eating it for 2 days jor..

y'day i go out with B, going for facial.. actually plan to go to leisure mall but really jam lah.. so finally v go to cheras selatan jor loh.. ahahahah.. really each time oso there ger loh.. hahahha..

tonight will go to watch movie "fast & furious 5".. dont knw best or not but should b not bad lah..

need to rush to jusco selatan cz the movie start 7.45pm i think should have enough time to travel there guah.. ahahhahaah.

i need to rush out 2 skin care project leah, now having headache thinking of the the whole mood shoot.. walau, by sitting here i dont think i can think of any lah.. help..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11th May 2011 (Wednesday)

Today really lazy leah.. going to work is killing me.. hahahahha... i guess my "p" is coming soon.. but hope that fast fast come lah.. if not my stomach cannot tahan jor lah.. I cant really remember wat i did today.. but i remember that i go home early today..

I had mc'd for my dinner.. big mac.. yummy but really fat loh..hahahah.. need to do more exercise jor.. now a day really hot loh.. dont knw wat's wrong with the weather.. last few week it rain everyday.. n this week hot till u die.. man... just hope tat it will rain.. so pity my little faye faye.. she even need to sleep at the floor..

9th May 2011 (Monday)

Weekend pass real fast ger leah.. last saturday i shop with nicole and alicia at thy seldom go there coz it's in KL.. so they drive to the mines and i lead them to my house.. then i drive them to we had our lunch at lot 10 food court.. actually the food there really good.. but i didnt eat anything coz i've my breakfast with Bii.. long time didnt eat those western hot dog & bread breakfast.. hahahah...

after they have lunch v start our shopping tour.. yeah, on the the way to lot 10 there is this company that promoting their discount card.. they pass something to me, so i take it.. then the guy promoter touch my hand.. i was damn angry.. so i ask him nt to touch me, then he did it again.. walau, i really beah tahan.. so i scold and warn him..  wat they try to do? if they wan more personal touch with customer they should hire girl promoter instead of guy loh.. crazy.. luckily it didnt spoil my shopping mood.. (^ V ^)

actually last time i really dont dare to buy those rm25 things. cz im fat mah.. bt luckily that day i did buy a few and it fit me perfectly.. really happy.. this means next time i can buy more loh.. hahahahah..

at night v had dinner just a simple one to celebrate mother day.. with be yi n mother loh.. then they come to my house and play mahjong..

sunday morning i stay home.. cz will be having dinner at Fahreinheit with Bee n my ji mui.. to celebrate Bee b'day.. i've bought the voucher for Celcius Restaurant & Bar, it's a buffer dinner.. actually the choice is not much but it taste good..

Friday, May 6, 2011

6th May 2011

Today is friday.. yeah, tomorrow is weekend dont need to work.. haahhaha.. dont need to face my boss... hahahah.. really boring.. but actually im enjoying my work and i love my colleague.. the only problem, haiz...... is tat loh..hahahhahha..

last weekend i really enjoy myself.. so long time didnt enjoy myself with all my heart.. on saturday go for Asian Music Festival with Girl, Ee Mun & Ee Jane..  a 10 hours concert.. really long loh.. ahahhah..  But real nice concert.

Then on sunday v go karaoke and at nite having dinner at a korean bbq restaurant at ampang.. the embience is really nice loh.. so relax and the food is good too..

No wonder is so enjoy coz monday is a public holiday.. ahahah.. So i went to Mid Valley and The Gardens for shopping and lunch.. then go to herbaline for facial.. I had japanese foold there.. Hokaido.. the food is nice leah.. bt i think i'll be real fat if i continue with my life style.. ahahahha.. Going there with Fanny.. she treat me leah.. hahahah.. When u dont have to pay.. u'll have extra extra happiness.. ahahhaha...

Hope i'll be as happy as this few days forever..

Thursday, April 28, 2011

28th May 2011

I'm so sleepy.. i think i dont have enough sleep.. dont knw y this few days i was like in a dream.. everything seems to be unreal.. ahhahaha.. i really nvr had such feeling.. is it becoz that im too happy or scared?  actually im really blur.. i really cant concentrate on wat im doing.. even when i drive i feel blur..

i think i really need to put myself together nw.. dont think too much.. "without expectation, there wont be any disappointment".. i really trust it.. actually i can get thru a lot of things just becoz of this word.  i need to stay positive now.. may be by doing so i'll learn to let go a lot of thing.. and enjoy my life to the fulless.. yeah!! gambateh..

hahhahah.. i think im going crazy jor.. so stresssssss...... ahahahah..

im really happy tat i can start all over again.. i hope tat i can have such life forever and ever...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

23rd April 2011

Today at nite i go to temple for dinner.. coz be yi's husband has donate some money to buy for a table. actually each year v did go there.. i saw a bunch of cute goat.. meakkkk.. really cute loh.. a family..

there are lion dance performance.. actually not performance just prayer..

then as usual dinner with family, then thy talk about ee mun tat plan to go to vietnam to watch super junior concert.. really ging loh.. i've never try tat.. hahahhahah.. bt when i talk to her i knw tat she understand that just this time.. n she's nt really that childish lah.. i guess this is all apart of growing up mah.. as long as she understand wat she's doing, it's ok loh.. when she grow older she will knw how silly tat was.. hahahahah..

it will b a good and sweet memories later..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Am i happy to hear tat???

the feeling is really really weird?? y am i feel so lost when i heard someone saying that he love me?? this is the first time i have such feeling.. hahahhha.. so funny.. there's a lot to think of.. its not as easy as anyone can imagine.. i always tot love is a very simple thing.. but now at my age, i dont think so..

may b nicole is correct.. there's a lot more to think of.. so y dont just stay single?? hahahahah.. but when u r single, sometime u'll feel lonely n u need someone to sayang u ger mah.. haiz.......confuse... confuse..

anyway, just let it be loh.. i dont wan to think too much lah.. y'day ody one nite cant sleep.. so hope that i cn put down this things and continue with my life.. dont think too much.. hahhahhahaha...

Monday, April 11, 2011

11th Apr 2011

Y'day went to 2 gu house to eat eat n family gathering loh.. don knw y each time im sure i have the feeling when he wan to sms or call me.. n each time this will sure happen.. shit.. i hate it.. like y'day i had the feeling he will call.. n my phone ring.. man..... when all this will end. i don wan to have this feeling anymore.. im tired.. really tired.. i just wan to start a new life being alone.. i hope i can forget bout this guy ASAP..

actually there's a new song by Ding dang with the song name Half.. each time when i listen to it, i really feel the lost... huhuhuuuuuu.. bt then i'll remember how bad he treat me.. n i can even remember that bitch face.. the anger will come.. n i'll remind myself that i need to forget bout him..

i year ody pass.. i hope i cn let it go, of coz i ody let go now.. i mean totally let go..100% let go.. ohhhhhhh.. just hope my brain dont remind me of him.. haizzzzzz........

Just now im so angry, becz of my "lou sai'.. walau each time asking the same question, seems like dont understand ger woh.. i just hope no one ever make me angry again on Monday.. coz it will spoil my whole week mood ger loh..

Friday, April 8, 2011

8th April 2011

Y'day nite had a farewell party with nelsson n ivy..oh, two of my good friend is leaving.. haiz.. next month Hon will be leaving.. so sad loh.. all gd friend r leaving..  bt life goes on mah..

im so sleepy leah.. actually i have a lot of things to do but real lazy loh.. hahahaha..

this is the picture of my 2nd baby.. jaye jaye.. so cute loh.. i miss him leah.. cz y'day didnt go back home.. so today im going back to meet him..
was thinking where to go tomorrow.. hope that no av loh.. so that i can go swimming.. y'day ask mom cz thinking of sponsor her and dad to korea.. she dont wan leah.. she wan to go china.. a place that i can't even rmb how to pronounce.. ahahhahaha..  but anyway its ok loh.. i think this year i oso wont be going anywhere.. may be next year only go new zealand loh.. haiz.. so this year only local trip to langkawi loh.. hahahaha.. if having fun going anywhere oso not bad mah..

Thursday, March 31, 2011

31st Mar 2011

Wow, it's has been a while that i didnt update my blog.. really bz leah.. nw in my dept there's a new colleague "Alicia" .. let's welcome her on board.. hehehehe..

actually i found that i've really let go of him.. now he's nt there in my life and i've totally let go of him.. i found that the doctor really correct bout "dont even b his friend, coz u have other better friend".. that's correct.. i have other real good friend around me.. that care n concern bout me.. i dont need him..

i've settle my car loan.. yahoo.. have extra money to use jor.. so i go n bought a coach spec.. ahahhahah.. i think i wanna buy one for mom.. she'll like it.. but not sure whether she will go there or choose 1 that suit her..

this few weeks really bz, i went to UK farm at johore.. with few colleagues.. really a good place.. it's a farm stay.. with a lot of goat... meakkkkkk.. hahahahah...

good experience..

last weekend v celebrate sook e n nicole birthday at mid valley.. nicole at red box n sook e at gardens cafe.. really nice and romantic place.. 

im enjoying my life now.. bt of coz i hope to find a new bf soon... anybody can introduce a good one for me?? ahahahha

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3rd March 2011

Im so angry n no mood.. i think it's because my period is coming jor.. walau.. really cannot tahan jor.. it think i've arrive to the limit jor.. im so angry.. of all the things now.. i cant control it.. i dont knw until when i'll explode.. i hope tat i can control all my anger..

may b this is where i can all scold it out so that i can have a better mood now..

im angry with that bitch.. she's really the most stupid idiot and f**cking idiot in this world.. she always think that she's damn important.. treating me like shit n her friend is tat important.. n me? im not her friend ah? ok loh, since she treat me this way it's better i just ask her to f**k off lah.. u c, im the only 1 tat so damn angry.. she's having a great time, n can even enjoy updating her facebook.. n me??? so damn angry y'day n today.. walau, am i stupid or wat??? 

really hope that there's a way for me to release all my stress...

i've finally cut off everything with this friend of mine.. i think i can have a better life without her around.. hahahhahaha.. just let me have my own life back.. i guess she dont really need me as friend coz i always feel tat she's using me only.. i mean, she only look for me when she's stress n fhan.. other than tat, even if i call she feel that im so fhan.. starting from now on, she will nvr hd the chance to treat me this way again..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1st mar 2011

When can i end all this??? I really wish i can stop thknking bout it leah. Im so tired n boring will all ths. Since i ody send d sms jus let keep to my promise. Lets learn to keep my promise n let go of my anger.

I guess there r some people tht don appreciate when thy don really lost it. So its time 4 me to learn to let it go.. May b nicole is correct i shouldnt have even think of giving him any damn chance to hurt me anymore. I jus too soft hearted. Ths is y he's bullying me. He knw its easy to turn off my anger. I hope he's dead. N ths will b my last time of being so angry. I hope. Hahaha.

Monday, February 28, 2011

28th Feb 2011

Today really tired coz y'day nite had dinner n yam cha with my ji mui (hiew, sook e n bee).. actually we just plan to have dinner together.. then sook e said that she wanna talk bout her issue to them.. actually i really feel that it's good that you share with ur friend.. just like me when i was so down tat time.. actually talking about it will really help.. even it might not solve the problem but at least can share it mah..

so v chat till 11 something.. when i arrive home it's almost 12 midnite.. so im so sleepy now.. can't even open  my eyes lah.. really cannot tahan..

but today is a good day coz my boss is on leave.. yeah... i wanna finish my skin care project leah.. bt really can't even start cz of the stocks n documentation.. pls help lah, get me a clerk lah.. haizzzzzzzz...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

19rh feb 2011

Today i had lunch wit my gd ji i find she's nt hapi ths few week. So i think i wanna ask her out to talk bout it. Actually after i heard wat she told me i really feel hapi 4 her. She finally found a lover bt i think she jus wori too much.

Or may b its me tat dont really think when i love some1, tat's y im hurt badly. Hahaha.

Bt i truly believe when u love some1 u jus nd to follow ur heart.unless if it will hurt other people, if nt jus go ahead.

My friend jus fall in love wit a guy which is much younger. Is it wrong? I don think so. Its jus tat i think tat there's something tat nd to i knw she's in love, so jus go ahead lah.its nt like loving some1 bf or i only think loving some1 bf or husband is a bitch. Other than tat, its ok. Hahaha. May b i meet too many bitches. Old n young. N also loving a jerk.

My relation is even worst lah. So nothing is bad after all.

Hope she'll find her happiness.

17th feb 2011

Today v r having so call cny lunch wit lion dance. V did enjoy it cz it has been a while tat v never had whole ofis gathering. Bt cant really enjoy wit colleague cz nd to entertain our supplier. Luckily tat person did come. Hahahah.. If nt im sure it will b real weird.

The choi shun yea is really funny thin loh. Bt its fun. V had beer at ofis. N v had a real funny real damn funny.haiz, how come they so clever leah. Hehehe.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

14th feb 2011

Today is valentine day,i should have use to it ody cz ths is d second year im celebrating it w/o lover. Hahaha. I nd to admit that on this day i did miss him bt i promise myself that i will nt sms him. I think i did it.

How i celebrate it?i had dinner at nelsson house. He treat us fr house warming. At first i tot he invite a lot of colleague bt thn he said be just ask 3 of, nicholle n nicole.we had steamboat n i bring the thing to his house. V buy him a hot plate. So v use it loh. Really enjoy d dinner. Actually its nt bad being single. At leazt i still have a group of friend tat r still single n can spend sometime together. Hehehe.

Thinking back d pass each time im d one tat nd to arrange where to go during any special festival. Nw i wanna find some1 tat will arrange everything fr me n nt d other way round. At least ths wl show tat he really care n appreciate me.

Tat day i pray n kuan yin said tat i'll get something new n better. I cant wait till tat moment. Hope ths time its for real..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

13th feb 2011-sunday

Jus nw having lunch wit samantha at quan ice cream cafe. D same loh eat my favourite dishes butter chicken rice loh. Now watching ghost movie 'hantu bangku kosong' an indonesia movie. Ok loh.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

12th feb 2011

Today is saturday, morning tot wanna had breakfast wit macus bt he nd to fetch his mom to hospital 4 checking so did go loh. He say change to tomolo bt i was damn bz tomolo loh. So no choice loh.

Last thursday nite go to 2 chim house to 'bai tien gung'. Actually ths year theh didnt ask us to go bt mama said tat v jus go there to visit loh. V was there till 1am lah.

Y'day i didnt work bt d phone ring like hell.its killing me. I really hope tat i can jus tjrn it off. Luckily i didnt work y'day if nt i think i'll b real late. Cz nd to back date all d documentation. Headache loh.

Be yi they came y'day n at nite v come out for dinner wit x-colleague. Enjoying d dinner.

Friday, February 4, 2011

4th feb 2011

Today is d 2nd day of cny. Am i happy? Actually i did enjoy it ths year may b its becz i miss out a great celebration last year. Y'day after go 2gu there v rush back to bring grandma n pa to eat at semenyih. Be chim place, she work there so she treat us eat there. D dishew is so so but d view is perfecly nice. V took a lot of nice picture there loh.

Today as usual stay at grandma house actually y'day i stay over nite there too. I guess i can have a great sleep gd!

Tomolo will have steamboat at my house. Nw at my house. Later wanna enjoy my sleep witout thinking those tat hurt me anymore.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1st feb 2011

Today is d last day working,really no mood jor. Cny is jus around d corner. So hapi nw, i've jus add some decoration to my house d thing tat i buy at jung gok fung last sunday when v eat at food court.

Ths few days i keep avoiding my supplier, he seems like interested wit me. Bt sori loh,im nt really interested loh. So china man lah. I prefer some1 tat r more ah mo thinking lah. More romantic mah. Hahaha. Mu nw aim. Hehehe.

Jus nw d dress tat i should wear on d 1st day of cny. I think i jus better wear short pant lah. Easier mah. N comfortable mah. Ths year i was thinking where i wanna go for holiday. I plan to treat my mom,dad n grandma for holiday.

Will search for more detail later. Nw at ofis so bz don have time to do survey on mh own things leah. Ok lah, i should set a target.

Monday, January 31, 2011

31st Jan 2011

Everything bad will be over this year, n next year sure a good year.. may be this is wat i should do now.. i mean forget n dont ever look back to the past year.. learn to accept new year with an open heart.. n forget bout the people that hurt me so badly last year..

i just need to concentrate n learn to let go all the bad things.. i really hope this will be the end..

note to Maye.

hey, u must remember the advice from the consultant n ee laine.. u need to wake up so tat u will not get hurt anymore.. i think if it end here right now.. u better take it with an open heart.. let the bad think leave behind last year.. let this year be a perfect good year to you.. may b u should go out more n find someone better.. hahaha..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

29th jan 2011

My new vision for cny, i wanna forget n cut off my relation wit those people rat treat me bad last year.i wont let thm hurt me anymore. I wan to let thm knw tat im nt easy to b tease geah. If u all doesn't treat me as human i wont treat u all ad humam either loh.u tot i gt no other friend ah?hope u'll find a way to hell.wish u meet all d person u live in hell.

Stop stepping into my life u stupid f@$ker.get out of my life. Hope u don find ur hapiness n stay alone until u r old.

Walau, so relief loh...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

28th jan 2011

Angry im angry bt i nd to control. If he's nt going to reply me again in future he wont b my friend forever. Y is it so f@xking hard to reply a sms. Like u ody dead meah. Hahaha.

Cool down maye. Don b so angry, friend will sure reply ur sms. If he didnt reply means he didnt even trest u as friend so better forget bout ths person.

Im so tired leah. Bake biscuit 4 whole day.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

22nd jan 2011

Today going to sunway to sing karaoke wit girl,laine,mun n li. Me n girl arrive first so v go to xian ding wei to have our lunch. Then shop 4 a while. I finally bought a sandal, so cheap only rm15. Hahaha.

Then rush to karaoke, actually this is d first time i go to sunway red box bt actually i hate it there it make me rmb of something tat i hate. Anyway in order for me encounter tat hate in my heart i nd to go there.i really enjoy singing wit them.

Then v go shopping loh. They buy cloth bt i didnt cz lazy to try.

23rd jan 2011

Today had appointment to go shopping at sg wang. Bt each time sure it will start wit big disappointment.sometime i jus think is it my problem? Bt i guess i ody being vr tolerate. I guess i jus hope tat my friend will put more heart when being wit me. Knowing me for so long bt still don understand wat i will buy n wat i wont? I knw im nt as rich as his friend tat can spend thousand of dollars. So sori loh. Me is me lah. I guess if until oso don understand me, then ths 10year is jus a waste. May b its nt a bad idea to have our own way nw.

I didnt really buy anything, actually i tot wanna buy ear ring bt he said no. I'll buy it next time loh. Hahaha.

After tat everything is ok jor lah. Bt jus 4 a while cz he seems like don enjoy shopping. Planning to go home to do hOuse work. So i go buy things 4 jaye2. Also buy some snack 4 faye2 n i give a packet to black2. I guess being gd to dog is even better cz they will appreciate it more thn some human being. Hehehe.

I reach home early so wash my car which is really dirty.

I really tot that today i will spend 1 whole day outside. Really disappointed loh. Bt better thn nothing loh. I nd to remember tat without expectation there wont be disappointment.

Friday, January 21, 2011

21st Jan 2011

My new perm hair... in the picture it look real short.. but actually it was really long..  ahahahahah..

now at office so hungry leah.. tonight going to watch great day with nicole, chin & hon at sunway..

yesterday i had lunch with macus loh.. i was a bit angry loh, haiz dont wan to talk bout it lah.. later spoil my mood.. i oso go to the mines with my siblings n mom... i bought 2 short pants.. actually i like the one in white color but the size is a bit tight.. so forget bout it loh.. the one selling in nicchi is expensive leah.. rm40++ woh.. for a short pants,, ehhh.. nt worth it loh..

now really sleepy lah.. hope i can finish my work and dont give me so much stress lah.. y'day i dream of CH.. i found that now i really like to dream bout him.. i knw it's wrong coz he's married.. bt he's my idol mah.. ahahahha.. i always dream that he will leave his wife becoz of me.. hahahahha.. im crazy jor loh.. bt frankly speaking lah, im not those type that will touch anybody husband or even bf.. coz i understand the pain.. so just let me dream bout it will do.. ahahahah.. siau siau jor..

Friday, January 14, 2011

14th jan 2011

Today after work v pln to swim but once v go out of ofis it started to rain. Hahaha. So nicole say she wanna cook. So v go to carrefour loh. She buy mee n fish ball to cook for all of us. Bt then ana call n said tat she don wan to eat coz she wanna go carrefour to eat. So v go back to hostel n she cook. Me? Bath loh. U knw i cant cook ger mah. Sori,cant help.

Now watching tv, a cny movie frm 8tv.

Nw its 10pm ody, im so sleepy. actually y'day i didnt really have a gd sleep.

Ths few days i meet wit macus 4 dinner. He bought me a set of hair treatment set. I havent use it yet but its really expensive bt he said its really gd. Ok loh. I'll try it loh. Hahaha. This sat im having a steamboat party at my house. Jus a tiny little party 4 gathering.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12th jan 2011

It has been a while since i jot down my feeling in my blog. Y? Cz really bz.. Wit work n activities..may b nw im feeling happier tat y i spend less time blogging.. Bt am i really tat happy? D feeling is real weird. Hard to explain.. Bt i really hope tat i can manage a wonderful new year. I guess there wont b any year as sad as last year.

I wanna make sure ths year will b a smooth year. Cny is around d corner. Bt ths year really cant feel d environment of cny. Even advertisement has reduce.only will hear it on radio promoting their cd n movie. Bt its better than nothing loh.. Hahaha..