Friday, May 6, 2011

6th May 2011

Today is friday.. yeah, tomorrow is weekend dont need to work.. haahhaha.. dont need to face my boss... hahahah.. really boring.. but actually im enjoying my work and i love my colleague.. the only problem, haiz...... is tat loh..hahahhahha..

last weekend i really enjoy myself.. so long time didnt enjoy myself with all my heart.. on saturday go for Asian Music Festival with Girl, Ee Mun & Ee Jane..  a 10 hours concert.. really long loh.. ahahhah..  But real nice concert.

Then on sunday v go karaoke and at nite having dinner at a korean bbq restaurant at ampang.. the embience is really nice loh.. so relax and the food is good too..

No wonder is so enjoy coz monday is a public holiday.. ahahah.. So i went to Mid Valley and The Gardens for shopping and lunch.. then go to herbaline for facial.. I had japanese foold there.. Hokaido.. the food is nice leah.. bt i think i'll be real fat if i continue with my life style.. ahahahha.. Going there with Fanny.. she treat me leah.. hahahah.. When u dont have to pay.. u'll have extra extra happiness.. ahahhaha...

Hope i'll be as happy as this few days forever..

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