Wednesday, May 18, 2011

18th May 2011

Headache leah.. this few days was not feeling really well leah.. dont knw why? just now eat rendang beef now headache.. i think it's really got something to do with the chinese herbs that i eat.. i knw its good coz it's from the doctor but it's really too hot for me.. so i've stop eating it for 2 days jor..

y'day i go out with B, going for facial.. actually plan to go to leisure mall but really jam lah.. so finally v go to cheras selatan jor loh.. ahahahah.. really each time oso there ger loh.. hahahha..

tonight will go to watch movie "fast & furious 5".. dont knw best or not but should b not bad lah..

need to rush to jusco selatan cz the movie start 7.45pm i think should have enough time to travel there guah.. ahahhahaah.

i need to rush out 2 skin care project leah, now having headache thinking of the the whole mood shoot.. walau, by sitting here i dont think i can think of any lah.. help..

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