Thursday, April 28, 2011

28th May 2011

I'm so sleepy.. i think i dont have enough sleep.. dont knw y this few days i was like in a dream.. everything seems to be unreal.. ahhahaha.. i really nvr had such feeling.. is it becoz that im too happy or scared?  actually im really blur.. i really cant concentrate on wat im doing.. even when i drive i feel blur..

i think i really need to put myself together nw.. dont think too much.. "without expectation, there wont be any disappointment".. i really trust it.. actually i can get thru a lot of things just becoz of this word.  i need to stay positive now.. may be by doing so i'll learn to let go a lot of thing.. and enjoy my life to the fulless.. yeah!! gambateh..

hahhahah.. i think im going crazy jor.. so stresssssss...... ahahahah..

im really happy tat i can start all over again.. i hope tat i can have such life forever and ever...

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