Monday, February 28, 2011

28th Feb 2011

Today really tired coz y'day nite had dinner n yam cha with my ji mui (hiew, sook e n bee).. actually we just plan to have dinner together.. then sook e said that she wanna talk bout her issue to them.. actually i really feel that it's good that you share with ur friend.. just like me when i was so down tat time.. actually talking about it will really help.. even it might not solve the problem but at least can share it mah..

so v chat till 11 something.. when i arrive home it's almost 12 midnite.. so im so sleepy now.. can't even open  my eyes lah.. really cannot tahan..

but today is a good day coz my boss is on leave.. yeah... i wanna finish my skin care project leah.. bt really can't even start cz of the stocks n documentation.. pls help lah, get me a clerk lah.. haizzzzzzzz...

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