Monday, May 23, 2011

23rd May 2011

Y'day went to Mid Valley, they have this Pirates of the Caribbean theme deco.. Really nice loh.. Luckily i did go there for shopping.. ahahah.. i did take photo there, my favourite activity mah.. ahahahha..

They have this real big ship at the center court.. really "ging" loh.. i really love it so much.. luckily i doesn't wear like aunty, so the picture not bad lah..hahahahah..

Actually this few days i feel tired, i think it's because that day i drink coffee at Old Town when i meet up with samantha.. long time didnt meet up with her coz she's so bz with study and her training for KK mountain climbing expedition.. sound so adventure loh..ahahahah..

I really need to stop drinking those drink that contain caffeine lah.. last few days green tea at sushi king.. then coffee.. walau, nw i can't even open my eyes.. luckily today i can sleep till 8am coz i need to go to clinic to by syringe for pdt photo shooting tomorrow.. if now i think it's even worst.. ahahahha..

Now i feel better, during lunch just now im really so blur.. cant even think wat's im doing.. so tonight should be better ger lah.. im going to langkawi with all my ji mui this friday.. really long time didnt enjoy with my ji mui jor.. hope that we can have a great holiday together..

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