Saturday, February 12, 2011

12th feb 2011

Today is saturday, morning tot wanna had breakfast wit macus bt he nd to fetch his mom to hospital 4 checking so did go loh. He say change to tomolo bt i was damn bz tomolo loh. So no choice loh.

Last thursday nite go to 2 chim house to 'bai tien gung'. Actually ths year theh didnt ask us to go bt mama said tat v jus go there to visit loh. V was there till 1am lah.

Y'day i didnt work bt d phone ring like hell.its killing me. I really hope tat i can jus tjrn it off. Luckily i didnt work y'day if nt i think i'll b real late. Cz nd to back date all d documentation. Headache loh.

Be yi they came y'day n at nite v come out for dinner wit x-colleague. Enjoying d dinner.

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