Thursday, April 21, 2011

Am i happy to hear tat???

the feeling is really really weird?? y am i feel so lost when i heard someone saying that he love me?? this is the first time i have such feeling.. hahahhha.. so funny.. there's a lot to think of.. its not as easy as anyone can imagine.. i always tot love is a very simple thing.. but now at my age, i dont think so..

may b nicole is correct.. there's a lot more to think of.. so y dont just stay single?? hahahahah.. but when u r single, sometime u'll feel lonely n u need someone to sayang u ger mah.. haiz.......confuse... confuse..

anyway, just let it be loh.. i dont wan to think too much lah.. y'day ody one nite cant sleep.. so hope that i cn put down this things and continue with my life.. dont think too much.. hahhahhahaha...

1 comment:

  1. if u oso have the same good feeling towards the boy, why not start a relationship? let nature takes it course. don purposely don't think of him, if u think of him, call him lar...
