Tuesday, April 26, 2011

23rd April 2011

Today at nite i go to temple for dinner.. coz be yi's husband has donate some money to buy for a table. actually each year v did go there.. i saw a bunch of cute goat.. meakkkk.. really cute loh.. a family..

there are lion dance performance.. actually not performance just prayer..

then as usual dinner with family, then thy talk about ee mun tat plan to go to vietnam to watch super junior concert.. really ging loh.. i've never try tat.. hahahhahah.. bt when i talk to her i knw tat she understand that just this time.. n she's nt really that childish lah.. i guess this is all apart of growing up mah.. as long as she understand wat she's doing, it's ok loh.. when she grow older she will knw how silly tat was.. hahahahah..

it will b a good and sweet memories later..

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