Tuesday, February 15, 2011

14th feb 2011

Today is valentine day,i should have use to it ody cz ths is d second year im celebrating it w/o lover. Hahaha. I nd to admit that on this day i did miss him bt i promise myself that i will nt sms him. I think i did it.

How i celebrate it?i had dinner at nelsson house. He treat us fr house warming. At first i tot he invite a lot of colleague bt thn he said be just ask 3 of us.me, nicholle n nicole.we had steamboat n i bring the thing to his house. V buy him a hot plate. So v use it loh. Really enjoy d dinner. Actually its nt bad being single. At leazt i still have a group of friend tat r still single n can spend sometime together. Hehehe.

Thinking back d pass each time im d one tat nd to arrange where to go during any special festival. Nw i wanna find some1 tat will arrange everything fr me n nt d other way round. At least ths wl show tat he really care n appreciate me.

Tat day i pray n kuan yin said tat i'll get something new n better. I cant wait till tat moment. Hope ths time its for real..

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