Thursday, March 31, 2011

31st Mar 2011

Wow, it's has been a while that i didnt update my blog.. really bz leah.. nw in my dept there's a new colleague "Alicia" .. let's welcome her on board.. hehehehe..

actually i found that i've really let go of him.. now he's nt there in my life and i've totally let go of him.. i found that the doctor really correct bout "dont even b his friend, coz u have other better friend".. that's correct.. i have other real good friend around me.. that care n concern bout me.. i dont need him..

i've settle my car loan.. yahoo.. have extra money to use jor.. so i go n bought a coach spec.. ahahhahah.. i think i wanna buy one for mom.. she'll like it.. but not sure whether she will go there or choose 1 that suit her..

this few weeks really bz, i went to UK farm at johore.. with few colleagues.. really a good place.. it's a farm stay.. with a lot of goat... meakkkkkk.. hahahahah...

good experience..

last weekend v celebrate sook e n nicole birthday at mid valley.. nicole at red box n sook e at gardens cafe.. really nice and romantic place.. 

im enjoying my life now.. bt of coz i hope to find a new bf soon... anybody can introduce a good one for me?? ahahahha

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