Tuesday, December 14, 2010

13rd dec 2010

Today after work i book an appointment to go to sunway to do a slimming treatment at marie france bodyline. At first v plan to go right after work bt d consultant said that it will b too late so v decide to go there early. Since nicole wanna buy something 4 her photo shooting tomolo. So v get off frm ofis at 5.30pm.

When v arrive at d center there ths consultant name elaine tat consult us. Taking our body measurement n telling us wats our problem.then d treatmemt start. V do wrapping wit one type of bandage. Then hand parafin wax. The most uncomfortable is becoz of d air-cond. Walau damn cool. Like freezing. I tot im d only 1 tat have such feeling, bt actially nicole also having d same problem. Hahaha.

Walau i promise i'll nvr go there again loh. How can they ever have such service? I knw its centralise air-cond bt thy nd to do something bout it ger mah!

After tat v go buy sushi n fish ball 4 dinner.v jus have it at jj. Thn i stay at hostel only. Today i can sleep at matress. Yeah!


  1. eh u so thin already, stil go for slimming trreatment?

  2. no lah.. this one got voucher mah.. hahhaah.. but service cannot lah..
