Monday, November 15, 2010

9 Nov 2010 (Hong Kong)

Morning, wake up early .. taxi come at 3.30am.. 5 yi tiu is early coz this is always his style.. early is better than late, he ask bout jaye2.. hahaha. i think he really like jaye2.. hahahah.. until he knw how naughty that chubby dog is.. he'll regret.. i forget ot bring my hp, i knw that when i'm in the taxi.. but it's too late.. ody start journey.. so i just ingore it.. nicole & me go together.. i sleep in the taxi coz it's really tiring.. Killing me..

Arrive airport 4.30am, checked in.. then accompany nicole 4 breakfast at Old town.. i didnt eat coz im still full and so sleepy.

After tat v go into the check in area, this a new gate "Y2".  My god it's really new are where no toilet and even the duty free shop is a counter.. small little counter.. Have there ever think that this will give a bad impression to the tourist? so v c peter and pei yee there.. pei yee bring her grandma, they are going to meet their relative in hong kong.. so there v r in the sleeping is d first thing tat i do.. i did wake up in between to read my "new moon" story book.. 

v arrive hk early 10am, so v have our lunch at Ajisen Ramen..  like d scallop here.. really delicious.  but im having sore throat so nd to control wat i eat loh.. v take taxi to hotel, i nd to pay 4 d taxi.. haiz, toh duk goh waii toh sui gah lah.. jing hai jau jor sam bak mun mah bai.. 

then v go to hotel to check in but v wouldnt be a able to check in coz the room is nt ready yet.  so v decide to go causewaybay for a walk.  so take cab there, drop at sogo.  looking for dhc and nu skin but both close down.. so v go to sasa & also those small shop and buy our own thing.. i start to feel that im going to have flu.. each time this year i'll have the flul thing when i come to hk.. haiz..

then v go back to hotel, i have a sleep.. im vr tired and nt feeling good.. then v go to have our dinner at the "char chun sut" near our hotel.  i then sleep when they go to mong kok, i didnt follow.. really serious flu loh..

i sleep, sleep and sleep.... ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.... 

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