Monday, November 22, 2010

19th Nov 2010 (Sunway Pyramid)

after work i had appointment with april, meet her at sunway pyramid.. before i go there i go to hostel to take my blanket n pillow coz they are going to move to new hostel soon.. on the way there it was so smooth so i tot no jam, but the jam start inside the parking area.. ahahahah.. really terrible..

so i arrive there on time 7.30pm, i walk one round to xing dian wei coz i tot april said wanna go kim gary but then she sms me.. so need to walk one big round.. hahaha.. april look so tired especially her eyes.. she seems like nt really happy, may b worry bout money..but hope that she'll stay happy as she use to be.. she's really a great friend to have.. so hope that she'll be ok.. cheers..

we talk n talk n talk... then it's late so i nd to go home.. u knw lah, coz i feel dizzy this few days.. so need to go home if nt sure mom will scold ger loh..

my picture taken during the way home.. hahahah. traffic light.. it was late, almost 11 pm.. it's great to have single life..

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