Monday, November 15, 2010

14th Nov 2010 (Hong Kong)

woh, today will be the last day here at hong kong.. i plan to buy the water kettle that guardian offers.. but i think may be mom or dad will scold. hahaha.. i finally decide to buy it.. early in the morning me n nicole go to mtr station to do refund on the octopus card after breakfast.. then v go to mannings.. to buy my kettle.. then i nd to bring back to hotel for trial.. make sure it work..

actually v really had vr heavy luggage, ahahahah.. so we weight our luggage before v call for a cab.. really tired with all those luggage.. ahahhha.. so v r on the way to airport loh.. i bought a shirt for faye2 n jaye2.. but not sure whether they can wear it or not loh..  buy i think jaye2 sure ody grow up ger loh.. i miss both of them so much...

at airport we had our meal then i go to disney shop to buy hp decoration.. i wanna buy it so much. at first i tot wan to buy it at mong kok but didnt manage to buy it..

then v r on the way back..

this time in the taxi back i didnt feel as bad as the few time.. u knw loh, use to be fetch mah.. nw nd to go back by myself sure feel sad ger mah.. but today there's no such feeling.. i feel so happy having a single life.. i can go n do anything that i like.. i truly understand that im sure i can find some1 tat treat me good, cz i knw the problem is not with me.. so it's his problem that he betray me..


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