Friday, November 5, 2010

5th Nov 2010

y'day yun ask me to go to her uncle house to swim.. so i just nw go loh.. i fetch her at her house then v have breakfast at connought, having dim sum.. long time didnt eat there, i think the last time is also with yun loh..

then v go to swim at wangsa maju section 2, the swimming pool is so big leah.. i swim there before but i forget that it was so big.. i really enjoy swimming, n so tired leah.. hahahaha.. actually ah hung bring chi chi to swim there but she's scared and cry all the way.. may be she need more time to adapt to the pool.. n the water is really cold.. so she just play for a while n bath loh.. so only me n yun swim loh..

actually i was really thirsty.. i ody use to drink water after swimming but today i forget to bring my water bottle.. so after that we have ABC near by my house.. and i oso eat "horse leg" and she eat "middle with a rice".. ahahha.. v will understand wat was tat.. ahahha...

now at home loh, so tired leah.. my skin's so dry leah.. i ody apply a lot of lotion leah... but still so dry loh..

 at nite jaye jaye was still outside n so pity.. he want to come in bt he's just too naughty loh.. hahahahah.. but when i let him in, sure both dog will non stop ger loh..

this two little doggy really making me crazy.. and it's so hot so jaye jaye really funny, he sleep in front of the fan.. ahahahha..
I color my nail.. hope it will last at least for 1 week...

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