Monday, November 8, 2010

8th Nov 2010

y'day v go to 2nd uncle house.. nothing lah, just a gathering.. mom, dad n 3 yi go there first.. then me and 2 sis go there later.. dont need to go too early lah.. hehehe.. so i bring faye faye there.. actually wan to bring jaye jaye too, but dont have anything to tie him up.. lazy to bring the cage so didnt bring him loh, but if he's not around faye faye will stay good.. ahahahah..

i ate a lot of things loh, be yi buy some kuih n i ate.. oh, so oily n fat loh..ahahahh.but delicious mah.. so dont care lah.. i teach ee li today with her math.. my math was nt tat good but still ok lah, can teach her leah.. not bad.. can try to become a tuition teacher leah..hahaha..

today daniel got come, i tot he loose down weight.. bt im wrong may his new hair cut play a trick.. ahahha.. but seing him n elaine so close together.. really lovely loh.. hope that they will be together always so happy till the end.. it's important to have both to understand and appreciate each other.. good luck..

i hope tat i'll find mine soon.. i have a feeling next year will be a good year for me.. so im sure i can find a perfect one.. i just need someone that really appreciate n sayang me loh.. but dont till half way will sayang another girl loh..hahahhaha.. wish me good luck too...

this morning, drive to work.. i was damn sleepy leah.. 

actually i saw there's a type of plant that so funny.. it can grow on those fly over.. with vr vr long root.. u c? how free i am.. hahahahah...

today need to do a lot of document preparation.. nw a day i always get gastric dont knw wat's wrong..but i did eat leah.. i didnt skip meal... 

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