Monday, November 22, 2010

20th Nov 2010 (Facial n home)

today morning, make appointment with irene for facial.. i make appointment at 11.30am i tot of going to pump my tyre bt the stupid pump is not working so i just add my touch n go card credit loh.. then i was early, i tot of not paying the parking fees but scared kena saman leah.. so i pay with all the coin i have but not enough.. "hor ger bo loh" better than dont have lah.. ahahah..

finish my facial at 2pm, i saw irene's daughter without make up.. eh, not bad mah.. y nd to apply so much make up woh, she's young.. so natural is beauty mah.. 

arrive home i watch movie n play with faye faye.. how bout jaye jaye? outside loh, kena kurung lah.. coz he's too naughty lah..

i got nothing to do so i plug my eye brown, so pain loh.. but it's cleaner than u shave it lah.. i use the plug that i bought at hong kong.. sheseido ger leah.. but not really good loh..

then i use the water bottle of watson from hong kong too.. actually i really like this water bottle..

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