Friday, November 19, 2010

18th Nov 2010 (Sick Day)

i was truly sick, when i wake up i nearly fainted leah.. so scary loh.. i really need to go n c doc leah.. im so dizzy.. so i sleep till around 9.30 am.. hope that with more sleep i can feel better.. so i go to yulek (ho & ho) to c doctor.. doctor said that my blood pressure drop may be because of AV and oso flight pressure..

really big pressure n i really look so sick..  u c how sick i really look like.. my god...

so pale leah.. need to put on some make up next time before i can take any picture.. ahhahahaha.. ( ^ V ^ )..

it has been almost 2 weeks that v didnt contact each other.. i guess that is.. he ody use to his new environment n has a lot of new friend.. so he ody forget bout me.. i guess i oso start to not thinking of him so much jor.. at least i didnt call or sms him.. i knw he always think that he can get everything he wan easily, cz i always "jau" him.. but i wont do it this time.. i ody wake up, i dont wan to be bully anymore.. i deserve something much much better..

let me get myself cure n get ready to go out n get a new better guy.. gambateh..

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