Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30th Nov 2010 (ofis)

today so sleepy, i really can fall asleep when i was driving this morning.. man!! y? i've been working at our ofis warehouse sales since sunday lah.. even just cashier but i feel really so tired loh.. walau.. killing me.. it has been days that i didnt update my blog.. bz mah..

last sat go to buy jay ticket, kanasai.. when i arrive they said that the cheapest ticket ody finish.. i was damn angry loh #$%%##.. then macus call me, actually i was a bit upset.. i knw i tot him that he dont need to fetch me there.. but if he wake up early at least call lah.. anyway, luckily he oso did sms.. n look for me for lunch.. even he ody eat..  this jay ticket really make me mad whole day lah..

then i go for movie, harry potter wit ah girl.. this will be the 2nd last episode jor.. but he really grown big boy now.. ahahahha.. but still handsome lah..

at nite i have dinner with hiew at pappa rich.. actually this afternoon i oso have my lunch there with macus.. ahhaha.. really regular customer loh.. long time didnt go out with hiew jor.. bt she ody change loh, now didnt really go to clubbing jor.. hahaha.. change a lot loh..

actually i was thinking is it right if u like someone that r younger than u? this was a question as by pui ling that day.. actually i was scared tat i will fall in love with some1 that r much younger.. of coz 1 year is not included lah.. i guess nothing to do with age, if i can find some1 tat r so caring y not woh.. y'day i saw a girl (pretty) with a vr vr fat guy (sorry, but so ugly loh).. bt i can c tat guy really care for that girl..

i start to immagine whether i can take that girl place?? ahahahahh. i so teruk loh, i dont think i can accept loh.. i rather being alone.. hahahahha...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

24th Nov 2010 (Movie)

today after work plan to go for movie "unstopable" at sunway pyramid.. with my colleagues loh.. then will stay at hostel..

today they request for a new document walau.. die loh.. but need hon to set up the document first.. so need to start tomorrow.. just now have a talk with hon, he really seems so stress.. hope that this will end soon so that he can be more relax loh.. aahahhah... then i oso can relax a bit loh..

after work we go to sunway, actually it was really rush.. after v order mc'd i found tat it's odi 7.30pm..i tot that my watch sudah rosak, then i look at nicole watch... no leah.. it's really 7.30pm jor leah.. ahhahhh.. tat's y v r in hurry.. need to chew it fast.. ahhaha.. i had quarter pounder set meal.. sedap...

when v arrrive at the cinema, nelsson said that he wan to go to toilet.. so he rush there n nearly go into ladies..hahahah.. this really prove that v r in hurry.. luckily he look at the signage before enter..

the movie is good.. u wont feel boring since start till the end.. really meaningful..

after movie v go for shop.. then go home loh... so tired lah..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

23rd Nov 2010 (Movie)

tonight suppose to go home after work coz y'day i slept overnite at hostel.. bt then nicholle liew called n said that she has extra ticket to watch bruce lee my brother special screening at mid valley.. so v agree to go.. so after work v go around mc'd to eat clay pot chicken rice.. then v go to mid valley, tot have a lot of extra time but cz nicole wanna but thing for new hostel so v walk around..

v went to the cinema to meet nicholle, walau the cinema is packed with a lot of people.. i think it's because of the special screening.. that's y it's so full..

the movie is suppose to start at 9pm bt it's late..

the bruce lee in the movie really look like lee hom lah.. so handsome loh.. but i think lee hom is more handsome loh.. ahahahha.. the movie is ok loh..

Monday, November 22, 2010

20th Nov 2010 (Facial n home)

today morning, make appointment with irene for facial.. i make appointment at 11.30am i tot of going to pump my tyre bt the stupid pump is not working so i just add my touch n go card credit loh.. then i was early, i tot of not paying the parking fees but scared kena saman leah.. so i pay with all the coin i have but not enough.. "hor ger bo loh" better than dont have lah.. ahahah..

finish my facial at 2pm, i saw irene's daughter without make up.. eh, not bad mah.. y nd to apply so much make up woh, she's young.. so natural is beauty mah.. 

arrive home i watch movie n play with faye faye.. how bout jaye jaye? outside loh, kena kurung lah.. coz he's too naughty lah..

i got nothing to do so i plug my eye brown, so pain loh.. but it's cleaner than u shave it lah.. i use the plug that i bought at hong kong.. sheseido ger leah.. but not really good loh..

then i use the water bottle of watson from hong kong too.. actually i really like this water bottle..

19th Nov 2010 (Sunway Pyramid)

after work i had appointment with april, meet her at sunway pyramid.. before i go there i go to hostel to take my blanket n pillow coz they are going to move to new hostel soon.. on the way there it was so smooth so i tot no jam, but the jam start inside the parking area.. ahahahah.. really terrible..

so i arrive there on time 7.30pm, i walk one round to xing dian wei coz i tot april said wanna go kim gary but then she sms me.. so need to walk one big round.. hahaha.. april look so tired especially her eyes.. she seems like nt really happy, may b worry bout money..but hope that she'll stay happy as she use to be.. she's really a great friend to have.. so hope that she'll be ok.. cheers..

we talk n talk n talk... then it's late so i nd to go home.. u knw lah, coz i feel dizzy this few days.. so need to go home if nt sure mom will scold ger loh..

my picture taken during the way home.. hahahah. traffic light.. it was late, almost 11 pm.. it's great to have single life..

Friday, November 19, 2010

18th Nov 2010 (Sick Day)

i was truly sick, when i wake up i nearly fainted leah.. so scary loh.. i really need to go n c doc leah.. im so dizzy.. so i sleep till around 9.30 am.. hope that with more sleep i can feel better.. so i go to yulek (ho & ho) to c doctor.. doctor said that my blood pressure drop may be because of AV and oso flight pressure..

really big pressure n i really look so sick..  u c how sick i really look like.. my god...

so pale leah.. need to put on some make up next time before i can take any picture.. ahhahahaha.. ( ^ V ^ )..

it has been almost 2 weeks that v didnt contact each other.. i guess that is.. he ody use to his new environment n has a lot of new friend.. so he ody forget bout me.. i guess i oso start to not thinking of him so much jor.. at least i didnt call or sms him.. i knw he always think that he can get everything he wan easily, cz i always "jau" him.. but i wont do it this time.. i ody wake up, i dont wan to be bully anymore.. i deserve something much much better..

let me get myself cure n get ready to go out n get a new better guy.. gambateh..

17th Nov 2010 (Holiday)

17th was a public holiday, hari raya haji.. so i stay at home coz i dont feeling well.. i feel so dizzy.. actually it started since last friday.. i tot i dont have enough sleep.. so today if i stay home n sleep more sure got no problem ger loh.. this is wat i think lah..hahhaah.. hope i'll b ok lah..

nothing to do so i color my nail lah.. wanna make sure i look good mah.. u knw lah.. single is like ger lah.. haiz.. so old only get dump.. but i knw im nt bad ger, so im sure i can find a good one soon.. hahahah..

ee mun said tat she's coming coz she wan us to match her prom wear.. she is going to prom tomorrow.. so she has bought 2 dresses.. one black and one gold color.. i prefer the black one.. bt dinner dress always black in color got nothing special.. bt black make us look slim mah.. hahahahah..
then she test n try on the dress.. n i choose some accessories for her..

v had our dinner at the restaurant outside our house.. ee li show us the picture of her n her family going to australia.. perth.. i think i oso wanna go lah, so many handsome mat salleh leah.. ahhaha.. may b i can tackle one then i can stay there loh.. no nd to come back jor.. stop dreaming lah..hahhahha

Monday, November 15, 2010

14th Nov 2010 (Hong Kong)

woh, today will be the last day here at hong kong.. i plan to buy the water kettle that guardian offers.. but i think may be mom or dad will scold. hahaha.. i finally decide to buy it.. early in the morning me n nicole go to mtr station to do refund on the octopus card after breakfast.. then v go to mannings.. to buy my kettle.. then i nd to bring back to hotel for trial.. make sure it work..

actually v really had vr heavy luggage, ahahahah.. so we weight our luggage before v call for a cab.. really tired with all those luggage.. ahahhha.. so v r on the way to airport loh.. i bought a shirt for faye2 n jaye2.. but not sure whether they can wear it or not loh..  buy i think jaye2 sure ody grow up ger loh.. i miss both of them so much...

at airport we had our meal then i go to disney shop to buy hp decoration.. i wanna buy it so much. at first i tot wan to buy it at mong kok but didnt manage to buy it..

then v r on the way back..

this time in the taxi back i didnt feel as bad as the few time.. u knw loh, use to be fetch mah.. nw nd to go back by myself sure feel sad ger mah.. but today there's no such feeling.. i feel so happy having a single life.. i can go n do anything that i like.. i truly understand that im sure i can find some1 tat treat me good, cz i knw the problem is not with me.. so it's his problem that he betray me..


12th Nov 2010 (Hong Kong)

today is the final that v suppose to work.. yahoo.. bt early in the morning v still nd to go to the fair to discuss something with supplier.. so v had our breakfast then v go to the fair.. actually y'day in the fair me n nicole did a test.. actually it test our internal organ and also our emotional.. my health got not much problem, but it said that due to diet, i reduce the food intake so it has affect my internal organ.. wah, so "jhun" loh..hahahaha..it also said that im having a good temper.. i dont get angry easily n i can control it.. actually really accurate woh.. so overall is good lah.. hehehe..

so after the meeting v go back to hotel to help my boss to check out.. "hui hai hou geang sei ger mah.. sor yee yat ding yeau loh, fai si hei gau luen ngo dong tan".. hahahha.. after tat it's our shopping time.. i bring them to tsim sa tsui.. only at that area v shop till real late.. so got no chance to go other place.. v need to change our plan of going to the peak.. then v get 8 movie ticket.. bt i really dont think v got any time loh.. so the whole day was spend there.. 

at nite v go to the place doris treat us for dinner that day.. the place where v eat abalone.. bt today no abalone loh.. just eat set with shark fin.. coz v got voucher. eheheheh..

then v travel back home..

10th Nov 2010 (Hong Kong)

today, wake up.. feeling better, bt i dont even knw wat time i wake up.. i prepare everything. then i knw tat v r early.. if i knw i sleep late lah.. hahahah.. cz i dont need tat much time like them to prepare..

then having breakfast at d char chun sut.. same v had our dinner y'day.. i eat "for thui yi fhun".. with egg and bread.. i drink hot milk tea.. deliciouse tea..

then, v go to the exhibition center.. v walk, walk and walk.. (those skin care and health supplement).. luckily i walk with nicole.. so v take our time to look at the info that v want.. no stress.. there's a lot of people this year.. v had our lunch at harbour kitchen as usual.. i eat baked chicken chop with scallop.. delicious..

v meet doris at mrt "tsim sa tsui' to do survey, then doris treat us to eat abalone and shark fin. this is wat v calla  boss  leah.. she really treat us good.. then v shop at the shopping road.. i tot wanna buy scarf but there's no specific one that i like..

it's was late jor after shopping so v go back hotel loh...

9 Nov 2010 (Hong Kong)

Morning, wake up early .. taxi come at 3.30am.. 5 yi tiu is early coz this is always his style.. early is better than late, he ask bout jaye2.. hahaha. i think he really like jaye2.. hahahah.. until he knw how naughty that chubby dog is.. he'll regret.. i forget ot bring my hp, i knw that when i'm in the taxi.. but it's too late.. ody start journey.. so i just ingore it.. nicole & me go together.. i sleep in the taxi coz it's really tiring.. Killing me..

Arrive airport 4.30am, checked in.. then accompany nicole 4 breakfast at Old town.. i didnt eat coz im still full and so sleepy.

After tat v go into the check in area, this a new gate "Y2".  My god it's really new are where no toilet and even the duty free shop is a counter.. small little counter.. Have there ever think that this will give a bad impression to the tourist? so v c peter and pei yee there.. pei yee bring her grandma, they are going to meet their relative in hong kong.. so there v r in the flight..so sleeping is d first thing tat i do.. i did wake up in between to read my "new moon" story book.. 

v arrive hk early 10am, so v have our lunch at Ajisen Ramen..  like d scallop here.. really delicious.  but im having sore throat so nd to control wat i eat loh.. v take taxi to hotel, i nd to pay 4 d taxi.. haiz, toh duk goh waii toh sui gah lah.. jing hai jau jor sam bak mun mah bai.. 

then v go to hotel to check in but v wouldnt be a able to check in coz the room is nt ready yet.  so v decide to go causewaybay for a walk.  so take cab there, drop at sogo.  looking for dhc and nu skin but both close down.. so v go to sasa & also those small shop and buy our own thing.. i start to feel that im going to have flu.. each time this year i'll have the flul thing when i come to hk.. haiz..

then v go back to hotel, i have a sleep.. im vr tired and nt feeling good.. then v go to have our dinner at the "char chun sut" near our hotel.  i then sleep when they go to mong kok, i didnt follow.. really serious flu loh..

i sleep, sleep and sleep.... ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.... 

Monday, November 8, 2010

8th Nov 2010

y'day v go to 2nd uncle house.. nothing lah, just a gathering.. mom, dad n 3 yi go there first.. then me and 2 sis go there later.. dont need to go too early lah.. hehehe.. so i bring faye faye there.. actually wan to bring jaye jaye too, but dont have anything to tie him up.. lazy to bring the cage so didnt bring him loh, but if he's not around faye faye will stay good.. ahahahah..

i ate a lot of things loh, be yi buy some kuih n i ate.. oh, so oily n fat loh..ahahahh.but delicious mah.. so dont care lah.. i teach ee li today with her math.. my math was nt tat good but still ok lah, can teach her leah.. not bad.. can try to become a tuition teacher leah..hahaha..

today daniel got come, i tot he loose down weight.. bt im wrong may his new hair cut play a trick.. ahahha.. but seing him n elaine so close together.. really lovely loh.. hope that they will be together always so happy till the end.. it's important to have both to understand and appreciate each other.. good luck..

i hope tat i'll find mine soon.. i have a feeling next year will be a good year for me.. so im sure i can find a perfect one.. i just need someone that really appreciate n sayang me loh.. but dont till half way will sayang another girl loh..hahahhaha.. wish me good luck too...

this morning, drive to work.. i was damn sleepy leah.. 

actually i saw there's a type of plant that so funny.. it can grow on those fly over.. with vr vr long root.. u c? how free i am.. hahahahah...

today need to do a lot of document preparation.. nw a day i always get gastric dont knw wat's wrong..but i did eat leah.. i didnt skip meal... 

Friday, November 5, 2010

5th Nov 2010

y'day yun ask me to go to her uncle house to swim.. so i just nw go loh.. i fetch her at her house then v have breakfast at connought, having dim sum.. long time didnt eat there, i think the last time is also with yun loh..

then v go to swim at wangsa maju section 2, the swimming pool is so big leah.. i swim there before but i forget that it was so big.. i really enjoy swimming, n so tired leah.. hahahaha.. actually ah hung bring chi chi to swim there but she's scared and cry all the way.. may be she need more time to adapt to the pool.. n the water is really cold.. so she just play for a while n bath loh.. so only me n yun swim loh..

actually i was really thirsty.. i ody use to drink water after swimming but today i forget to bring my water bottle.. so after that we have ABC near by my house.. and i oso eat "horse leg" and she eat "middle with a rice".. ahahha.. v will understand wat was tat.. ahahha...

now at home loh, so tired leah.. my skin's so dry leah.. i ody apply a lot of lotion leah... but still so dry loh..

 at nite jaye jaye was still outside n so pity.. he want to come in bt he's just too naughty loh.. hahahahah.. but when i let him in, sure both dog will non stop ger loh..

this two little doggy really making me crazy.. and it's so hot so jaye jaye really funny, he sleep in front of the fan.. ahahahha..
I color my nail.. hope it will last at least for 1 week...

蘇打綠sodagreen-無眠(國語版)MV 官方完整版

My new favourite song.. soda green... gambateh..
For those with broken heart.. gambateh.. it's hard to return back so v must learn to face it..

way back..

it's really jam today on the way back.. i drive nicholle back to hostel cz she didnt drive her car.. n every1 else seems to work late.. so no one fetch her home.. she's in the rush coz they had appointment to go karaoke with buyer tonight..

just now i manage to take a photo during the jam.. hahahaha.. i got nothing to do.. so boring when it's really jam.. each time when arrive at tat spot sure terrible jam ger lah.. now i really use to it jor.. last month i still remember how frustrated i was when i stuck in the jam.. how sad it was..  bt nw those feeling has gone.. i just wan to stay positive n happy will do..

i was trying to download a few songs but i cant get mp3 song leah.. just video only.. haiz.. my favourite song leah.. how can i get it?? i dont wan to buy it coz it really waste if i only like that single song..

Thursday, November 4, 2010

karaoke n movie..

last weekend i go watch movie and sing karaoke with my lovely sisters..
who? girl, bee n laine loh.. laine arrive in the morning n v had our breakfast tat the food court.. v watch the movie child's eye.. not as good as wat i expected loh.. tot should b good geah.. the story line is a bit weird n funny.. actually i dont like the ending part.. it's seems like real funny.. anyway luckily that i didnt watch the 3d one coz real expensive loh.. hahahah

hey, give it to me!

then v go to sing karaoke, v use the voucher that v get it from the member card.. then there's a discount coz of halloween celebration.. n there are halloween decoration.. so v took a few picture.. actually v really spend almost whole day at the shopping mall..
really close friend loh..


movie (altitude) & hostel...

y'day go watch movie.. altitude.. walau, such a bad movie.. really so disappointed with that movie.. feel like such a waste of time loh.. ahahhah.. but at least i have good time with my colleague (nicole, nicholle & nelsson)..

before v go to watch movie, v have our dinner at padi prada at kota kemuning near by office.. it's those penang nyonya food.. the food is nice.. next time will try to take picture of the food..

v did go shopping at sunway, nicholle has a voucher to purchase loccitane shower gel & lotion at half price.. so she bought one set n so do i.. it smell good..

after the movie i go to hostel to stay overnite there.. having problem with sleeping in a strange place??  no loh, not any problem for me.. so comfortable loh.. i can sleep anywhere i like geah..

just now had breakfast with nicole & nicholle.. thanks to all my colleague.. i have a good time... 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New start...

Actually i was searching for some information for our company on blog.. i remember i own a blog before in "blogger" but i dont remember the password.. anyway now i own 2 blog.. one a real personal one in wordpress.. wow, do i have time to maintain both??

but anyway the personal blog i had n wordpress is all the sad things that happen to me last year.. so i hope  i can have a fresh new one.. i'll try to update more info & picture.. if i have time for tat..ahahahah