Monday, May 23, 2011

23rd May 2011

Y'day went to Mid Valley, they have this Pirates of the Caribbean theme deco.. Really nice loh.. Luckily i did go there for shopping.. ahahah.. i did take photo there, my favourite activity mah.. ahahahha..

They have this real big ship at the center court.. really "ging" loh.. i really love it so much.. luckily i doesn't wear like aunty, so the picture not bad lah..hahahahah..

Actually this few days i feel tired, i think it's because that day i drink coffee at Old Town when i meet up with samantha.. long time didnt meet up with her coz she's so bz with study and her training for KK mountain climbing expedition.. sound so adventure loh..ahahahah..

I really need to stop drinking those drink that contain caffeine lah.. last few days green tea at sushi king.. then coffee.. walau, nw i can't even open my eyes.. luckily today i can sleep till 8am coz i need to go to clinic to by syringe for pdt photo shooting tomorrow.. if now i think it's even worst.. ahahahha..

Now i feel better, during lunch just now im really so blur.. cant even think wat's im doing.. so tonight should be better ger lah.. im going to langkawi with all my ji mui this friday.. really long time didnt enjoy with my ji mui jor.. hope that we can have a great holiday together..

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

18th May 2011

Headache leah.. this few days was not feeling really well leah.. dont knw why? just now eat rendang beef now headache.. i think it's really got something to do with the chinese herbs that i eat.. i knw its good coz it's from the doctor but it's really too hot for me.. so i've stop eating it for 2 days jor..

y'day i go out with B, going for facial.. actually plan to go to leisure mall but really jam lah.. so finally v go to cheras selatan jor loh.. ahahahah.. really each time oso there ger loh.. hahahha..

tonight will go to watch movie "fast & furious 5".. dont knw best or not but should b not bad lah..

need to rush to jusco selatan cz the movie start 7.45pm i think should have enough time to travel there guah.. ahahhahaah.

i need to rush out 2 skin care project leah, now having headache thinking of the the whole mood shoot.. walau, by sitting here i dont think i can think of any lah.. help..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11th May 2011 (Wednesday)

Today really lazy leah.. going to work is killing me.. hahahahha... i guess my "p" is coming soon.. but hope that fast fast come lah.. if not my stomach cannot tahan jor lah.. I cant really remember wat i did today.. but i remember that i go home early today..

I had mc'd for my dinner.. big mac.. yummy but really fat loh..hahahah.. need to do more exercise jor.. now a day really hot loh.. dont knw wat's wrong with the weather.. last few week it rain everyday.. n this week hot till u die.. man... just hope tat it will rain.. so pity my little faye faye.. she even need to sleep at the floor..

9th May 2011 (Monday)

Weekend pass real fast ger leah.. last saturday i shop with nicole and alicia at thy seldom go there coz it's in KL.. so they drive to the mines and i lead them to my house.. then i drive them to we had our lunch at lot 10 food court.. actually the food there really good.. but i didnt eat anything coz i've my breakfast with Bii.. long time didnt eat those western hot dog & bread breakfast.. hahahah...

after they have lunch v start our shopping tour.. yeah, on the the way to lot 10 there is this company that promoting their discount card.. they pass something to me, so i take it.. then the guy promoter touch my hand.. i was damn angry.. so i ask him nt to touch me, then he did it again.. walau, i really beah tahan.. so i scold and warn him..  wat they try to do? if they wan more personal touch with customer they should hire girl promoter instead of guy loh.. crazy.. luckily it didnt spoil my shopping mood.. (^ V ^)

actually last time i really dont dare to buy those rm25 things. cz im fat mah.. bt luckily that day i did buy a few and it fit me perfectly.. really happy.. this means next time i can buy more loh.. hahahahah..

at night v had dinner just a simple one to celebrate mother day.. with be yi n mother loh.. then they come to my house and play mahjong..

sunday morning i stay home.. cz will be having dinner at Fahreinheit with Bee n my ji mui.. to celebrate Bee b'day.. i've bought the voucher for Celcius Restaurant & Bar, it's a buffer dinner.. actually the choice is not much but it taste good..

Friday, May 6, 2011

6th May 2011

Today is friday.. yeah, tomorrow is weekend dont need to work.. haahhaha.. dont need to face my boss... hahahah.. really boring.. but actually im enjoying my work and i love my colleague.. the only problem, haiz...... is tat loh..hahahhahha..

last weekend i really enjoy myself.. so long time didnt enjoy myself with all my heart.. on saturday go for Asian Music Festival with Girl, Ee Mun & Ee Jane..  a 10 hours concert.. really long loh.. ahahhah..  But real nice concert.

Then on sunday v go karaoke and at nite having dinner at a korean bbq restaurant at ampang.. the embience is really nice loh.. so relax and the food is good too..

No wonder is so enjoy coz monday is a public holiday.. ahahah.. So i went to Mid Valley and The Gardens for shopping and lunch.. then go to herbaline for facial.. I had japanese foold there.. Hokaido.. the food is nice leah.. bt i think i'll be real fat if i continue with my life style.. ahahahha.. Going there with Fanny.. she treat me leah.. hahahah.. When u dont have to pay.. u'll have extra extra happiness.. ahahhaha...

Hope i'll be as happy as this few days forever..

Thursday, April 28, 2011

28th May 2011

I'm so sleepy.. i think i dont have enough sleep.. dont knw y this few days i was like in a dream.. everything seems to be unreal.. ahhahaha.. i really nvr had such feeling.. is it becoz that im too happy or scared?  actually im really blur.. i really cant concentrate on wat im doing.. even when i drive i feel blur..

i think i really need to put myself together nw.. dont think too much.. "without expectation, there wont be any disappointment".. i really trust it.. actually i can get thru a lot of things just becoz of this word.  i need to stay positive now.. may be by doing so i'll learn to let go a lot of thing.. and enjoy my life to the fulless.. yeah!! gambateh..

hahhahah.. i think im going crazy jor.. so stresssssss...... ahahahah..

im really happy tat i can start all over again.. i hope tat i can have such life forever and ever...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

23rd April 2011

Today at nite i go to temple for dinner.. coz be yi's husband has donate some money to buy for a table. actually each year v did go there.. i saw a bunch of cute goat.. meakkkk.. really cute loh.. a family..

there are lion dance performance.. actually not performance just prayer..

then as usual dinner with family, then thy talk about ee mun tat plan to go to vietnam to watch super junior concert.. really ging loh.. i've never try tat.. hahahhahah.. bt when i talk to her i knw tat she understand that just this time.. n she's nt really that childish lah.. i guess this is all apart of growing up mah.. as long as she understand wat she's doing, it's ok loh.. when she grow older she will knw how silly tat was.. hahahahah..

it will b a good and sweet memories later..