Thursday, April 28, 2011

28th May 2011

I'm so sleepy.. i think i dont have enough sleep.. dont knw y this few days i was like in a dream.. everything seems to be unreal.. ahhahaha.. i really nvr had such feeling.. is it becoz that im too happy or scared?  actually im really blur.. i really cant concentrate on wat im doing.. even when i drive i feel blur..

i think i really need to put myself together nw.. dont think too much.. "without expectation, there wont be any disappointment".. i really trust it.. actually i can get thru a lot of things just becoz of this word.  i need to stay positive now.. may be by doing so i'll learn to let go a lot of thing.. and enjoy my life to the fulless.. yeah!! gambateh..

hahhahah.. i think im going crazy jor.. so stresssssss...... ahahahah..

im really happy tat i can start all over again.. i hope tat i can have such life forever and ever...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

23rd April 2011

Today at nite i go to temple for dinner.. coz be yi's husband has donate some money to buy for a table. actually each year v did go there.. i saw a bunch of cute goat.. meakkkk.. really cute loh.. a family..

there are lion dance performance.. actually not performance just prayer..

then as usual dinner with family, then thy talk about ee mun tat plan to go to vietnam to watch super junior concert.. really ging loh.. i've never try tat.. hahahhahah.. bt when i talk to her i knw tat she understand that just this time.. n she's nt really that childish lah.. i guess this is all apart of growing up mah.. as long as she understand wat she's doing, it's ok loh.. when she grow older she will knw how silly tat was.. hahahahah..

it will b a good and sweet memories later..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Am i happy to hear tat???

the feeling is really really weird?? y am i feel so lost when i heard someone saying that he love me?? this is the first time i have such feeling.. hahahhha.. so funny.. there's a lot to think of.. its not as easy as anyone can imagine.. i always tot love is a very simple thing.. but now at my age, i dont think so..

may b nicole is correct.. there's a lot more to think of.. so y dont just stay single?? hahahahah.. but when u r single, sometime u'll feel lonely n u need someone to sayang u ger mah.. haiz.......confuse... confuse..

anyway, just let it be loh.. i dont wan to think too much lah.. y'day ody one nite cant sleep.. so hope that i cn put down this things and continue with my life.. dont think too much.. hahhahhahaha...

Monday, April 11, 2011

11th Apr 2011

Y'day went to 2 gu house to eat eat n family gathering loh.. don knw y each time im sure i have the feeling when he wan to sms or call me.. n each time this will sure happen.. shit.. i hate it.. like y'day i had the feeling he will call.. n my phone ring.. man..... when all this will end. i don wan to have this feeling anymore.. im tired.. really tired.. i just wan to start a new life being alone.. i hope i can forget bout this guy ASAP..

actually there's a new song by Ding dang with the song name Half.. each time when i listen to it, i really feel the lost... huhuhuuuuuu.. bt then i'll remember how bad he treat me.. n i can even remember that bitch face.. the anger will come.. n i'll remind myself that i need to forget bout him..

i year ody pass.. i hope i cn let it go, of coz i ody let go now.. i mean totally let go..100% let go.. ohhhhhhh.. just hope my brain dont remind me of him.. haizzzzzz........

Just now im so angry, becz of my "lou sai'.. walau each time asking the same question, seems like dont understand ger woh.. i just hope no one ever make me angry again on Monday.. coz it will spoil my whole week mood ger loh..

Friday, April 8, 2011

8th April 2011

Y'day nite had a farewell party with nelsson n ivy..oh, two of my good friend is leaving.. haiz.. next month Hon will be leaving.. so sad loh.. all gd friend r leaving..  bt life goes on mah..

im so sleepy leah.. actually i have a lot of things to do but real lazy loh.. hahahaha..

this is the picture of my 2nd baby.. jaye jaye.. so cute loh.. i miss him leah.. cz y'day didnt go back home.. so today im going back to meet him..
was thinking where to go tomorrow.. hope that no av loh.. so that i can go swimming.. y'day ask mom cz thinking of sponsor her and dad to korea.. she dont wan leah.. she wan to go china.. a place that i can't even rmb how to pronounce.. ahahhahaha..  but anyway its ok loh.. i think this year i oso wont be going anywhere.. may be next year only go new zealand loh.. haiz.. so this year only local trip to langkawi loh.. hahahaha.. if having fun going anywhere oso not bad mah..