Monday, February 28, 2011

28th Feb 2011

Today really tired coz y'day nite had dinner n yam cha with my ji mui (hiew, sook e n bee).. actually we just plan to have dinner together.. then sook e said that she wanna talk bout her issue to them.. actually i really feel that it's good that you share with ur friend.. just like me when i was so down tat time.. actually talking about it will really help.. even it might not solve the problem but at least can share it mah..

so v chat till 11 something.. when i arrive home it's almost 12 midnite.. so im so sleepy now.. can't even open  my eyes lah.. really cannot tahan..

but today is a good day coz my boss is on leave.. yeah... i wanna finish my skin care project leah.. bt really can't even start cz of the stocks n documentation.. pls help lah, get me a clerk lah.. haizzzzzzzz...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

19rh feb 2011

Today i had lunch wit my gd ji i find she's nt hapi ths few week. So i think i wanna ask her out to talk bout it. Actually after i heard wat she told me i really feel hapi 4 her. She finally found a lover bt i think she jus wori too much.

Or may b its me tat dont really think when i love some1, tat's y im hurt badly. Hahaha.

Bt i truly believe when u love some1 u jus nd to follow ur heart.unless if it will hurt other people, if nt jus go ahead.

My friend jus fall in love wit a guy which is much younger. Is it wrong? I don think so. Its jus tat i think tat there's something tat nd to i knw she's in love, so jus go ahead lah.its nt like loving some1 bf or i only think loving some1 bf or husband is a bitch. Other than tat, its ok. Hahaha. May b i meet too many bitches. Old n young. N also loving a jerk.

My relation is even worst lah. So nothing is bad after all.

Hope she'll find her happiness.

17th feb 2011

Today v r having so call cny lunch wit lion dance. V did enjoy it cz it has been a while tat v never had whole ofis gathering. Bt cant really enjoy wit colleague cz nd to entertain our supplier. Luckily tat person did come. Hahahah.. If nt im sure it will b real weird.

The choi shun yea is really funny thin loh. Bt its fun. V had beer at ofis. N v had a real funny real damn funny.haiz, how come they so clever leah. Hehehe.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

14th feb 2011

Today is valentine day,i should have use to it ody cz ths is d second year im celebrating it w/o lover. Hahaha. I nd to admit that on this day i did miss him bt i promise myself that i will nt sms him. I think i did it.

How i celebrate it?i had dinner at nelsson house. He treat us fr house warming. At first i tot he invite a lot of colleague bt thn he said be just ask 3 of, nicholle n nicole.we had steamboat n i bring the thing to his house. V buy him a hot plate. So v use it loh. Really enjoy d dinner. Actually its nt bad being single. At leazt i still have a group of friend tat r still single n can spend sometime together. Hehehe.

Thinking back d pass each time im d one tat nd to arrange where to go during any special festival. Nw i wanna find some1 tat will arrange everything fr me n nt d other way round. At least ths wl show tat he really care n appreciate me.

Tat day i pray n kuan yin said tat i'll get something new n better. I cant wait till tat moment. Hope ths time its for real..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

13th feb 2011-sunday

Jus nw having lunch wit samantha at quan ice cream cafe. D same loh eat my favourite dishes butter chicken rice loh. Now watching ghost movie 'hantu bangku kosong' an indonesia movie. Ok loh.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

12th feb 2011

Today is saturday, morning tot wanna had breakfast wit macus bt he nd to fetch his mom to hospital 4 checking so did go loh. He say change to tomolo bt i was damn bz tomolo loh. So no choice loh.

Last thursday nite go to 2 chim house to 'bai tien gung'. Actually ths year theh didnt ask us to go bt mama said tat v jus go there to visit loh. V was there till 1am lah.

Y'day i didnt work bt d phone ring like hell.its killing me. I really hope tat i can jus tjrn it off. Luckily i didnt work y'day if nt i think i'll b real late. Cz nd to back date all d documentation. Headache loh.

Be yi they came y'day n at nite v come out for dinner wit x-colleague. Enjoying d dinner.

Friday, February 4, 2011

4th feb 2011

Today is d 2nd day of cny. Am i happy? Actually i did enjoy it ths year may b its becz i miss out a great celebration last year. Y'day after go 2gu there v rush back to bring grandma n pa to eat at semenyih. Be chim place, she work there so she treat us eat there. D dishew is so so but d view is perfecly nice. V took a lot of nice picture there loh.

Today as usual stay at grandma house actually y'day i stay over nite there too. I guess i can have a great sleep gd!

Tomolo will have steamboat at my house. Nw at my house. Later wanna enjoy my sleep witout thinking those tat hurt me anymore.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1st feb 2011

Today is d last day working,really no mood jor. Cny is jus around d corner. So hapi nw, i've jus add some decoration to my house d thing tat i buy at jung gok fung last sunday when v eat at food court.

Ths few days i keep avoiding my supplier, he seems like interested wit me. Bt sori loh,im nt really interested loh. So china man lah. I prefer some1 tat r more ah mo thinking lah. More romantic mah. Hahaha. Mu nw aim. Hehehe.

Jus nw d dress tat i should wear on d 1st day of cny. I think i jus better wear short pant lah. Easier mah. N comfortable mah. Ths year i was thinking where i wanna go for holiday. I plan to treat my mom,dad n grandma for holiday.

Will search for more detail later. Nw at ofis so bz don have time to do survey on mh own things leah. Ok lah, i should set a target.